TETE Transparency

At Tete, our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. In our efforts to achieve this mission, we are committed to building and maintaining trust through openness and transparency to the community.


We have set up this homepage to record the measures taken to protect the safety of the platform, introduce more company operations, and highlight resources such as "community code" and "transparency report". Experts from all over the world are also welcome to visit the Tete transparency center in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. We will show you the background information of audit methods, management policies and more related technologies.

By introducing the relevant practices adopted by Tete, we hope to have an open dialogue with experts, so as to formulate industry-leading policies and protection measures, and create a more secure platform experience.

We look forward to sharing relevant progress through the homepage and Tete transparency center, and continuously improve the business transparency of the platform.

Tete is committed to protecting users' privacy.Privacy policy It lists the types of user data we will collect and the purpose of the data.Terms of service The rights and responsibilities of users who join Tete are clarified.

The privacy policy covers the Tete experience of users aged 13 and over. For the viewing experience of young Tete users and the privacy measures for young users in Australia, please refer toPrivacy policy for young users

We are building a global community where users can create and share with their hearts, explore the world around them, and connect with people from all over the world. We are also committed to protecting the safety of this community.

Community code It embodies the idea of motivating us to move forward, that is, to provide a platform for creative self-expression, and to maintain the safety, diversity and authenticity of the platform, as well as to formulate a public code of conduct for the platform.

Tete transparency Center

At the Tete transparency center, visitors will have the opportunity to view the following:

  1. How do professional content reviewers apply the Tete community code to review content and accounts that need to be upgraded due to user and technology application whistleblowing.
  2. Our data security practices and measures to protect users' privacy and information.
  3. Tete source code will be used for testing and evaluation at the transparency center. In addition, visitors will learn how our application algorithms work.

Due to external restrictions caused by the new coronavirus, the opening date of the transparency center in Los Angeles has been delayed. We look forward to welcoming visitors in the near future at the upcoming transparency centers in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.
